Letting Go
How Less Becomes More
By Deborah Cole
It has been said that every person on the planet can do at least one thing better than ten thousand other people.
That’s the good news.
The bad news? Most people have no idea what that one thing is. In fact, according to The Gallup Organization, only 20 percent of us by our own admission get to do our ‘one thing’ every day.
That is a tragedy! Here’s why. We have all been created with a unique set of gifts and extraordinary talents. These gifts and talents that were given to us are ours to use to change the world, for the better in some special way. Knowing ourselves and truly believing what we discover about who we are is critical to carrying out our purpose.
So, what holds us back from accomplishing that purpose? I would say that our reluctance, in large part is owed to the narratives that we all live by, the stories we tell ourselves or that others have told us. For example, there are naysayers who are very happy to let us know what can’t be done. Sometimes those people are in our own families. Maybe they are even our own parents. They might listen while we talk about our dreams, but they by their words tell us that we should not be so bold. Sometimes it is not the words they say but it’s about the way they react. Those reactions of disbelief imply “no, you cannot’. Sometimes we are told to come back down to earth, put our nose to the grindstone and settle into a life in the middle that’s far from the one we have dreamed of our entire life. Perhaps, our parents should not be blamed. Perhaps that is all they know, how they were taught to communicate to us. Maybe even, they were told to do the same and because of that they assume life is supposed to be lived right there in the safe zone. In in the middle. It’s joyless but safe there in the middle.
Sometimes this negative narrative come from our culture. Culture dictates that we are too old, too young or not enough in some way.
Most often, the naysaying whispers come from within. We actually fabricate that narrative in our own mind. We hear messages like: Who do we think we are? How we answer that question is vitally important because who we think we are will, in the end, define our destiny.
“I can remember, saying in a class one time, ‘I'm not creative.’ But that’s not true. Everybody is born with creativity. I firmly believe that everybody is. It's just a matter of saying yes to it.”
Deborah Cole’s Letting Go: How Less Becomes More is a stunning testament to what happens when one person has the courage to break free from the surly bonds of fear and self-doubt and finds their one thing, their purpose. Deborah Cole is one of the lucky ones, one of the twenty percent. She lives every day filled with an abundance of gratitude and purpose. She is aware of her place in the world and is excited about encouraging others to do the same so that they too can shift their narrative to experience joy.
Deborah knows it is possible for everyone and anyone to live this way. She is also fully aware that transition and transformation is never easy. As you’ll read, the seeds of her current life were planted in her childhood when she discovered her dad’s camera and began to see the world through its lens. Like most of us, she was aware of the harbingers of what could be but delayed diving into the creative pool for many years. Unlike most of us, at an age when most people are thinking about retiring, she launched into the deep because she recognized that is was time for her life to shift. This shift called so strongly that she felt she had no choice but to remain true to herself. She heard the call and she acted.
“I think if we saw ourselves as all the same, doing the best we can, making mistakes, having successes, I think the world might be a lot better.”
All of us long to live a purposeful life. We all strive to have the courage to step out of line. We all have our own unique purpose and we are each equipped with a different combination of tools and desires and abilities to accomplish that purpose.
How different would the world be if we all had the courage to act upon it? What if we found our one thing and started doing it every day without fear?
Deborah Cole will tell you that you can. Your journey won’t be obvious. There is no road map and no guide. You will have to trust your instincts and listen to your heart.
You’ll have to let go. But, in the end, it will be more than worth it.
To learn more go to: https://deborahcoleconnections.com
In this wonderful book, Deborah Cole shares insights into her personal journey of self-discovery and purpose that thoughtfully reveals a message we all need to hear. In whatever stage of life you are currently in, read this book and take time to reflect on where you are now, and where your journey is headed, embrace changes that might challenge you and lead you to a new and perhaps unimagined joy in your life.
You may discover the best is yet to come.
Kevin Gourley
Photographer, Author, Educator
About Deborah Cole
Deborah Cole knows what it’s like to truly let go. Every day she is living the joy that comes with not trying to figure it all out but rather to go with what’s next, what’s right in front of her on this day at this time.
Deborah has always been a photographer, even when she wasn’t fully convinced. “For a long time, I had this huge fear of saying that I was a photographer. In fact, there's a little piece in my book where I talk about denying that I'm a photographer. But then I began to live into it anyway, and I started posting a few things on Facebook, and then more on Facebook, and then something on Instagram. People started saying, "Wow, your photography is good." Then more people started saying, "You should do a book."
She listened to that encouragement and her new book, Letting Go: How Less Becomes More, publishes on January 9, 2019. It reveals her passion for gathering feelings behind the subject matter, an integral part of her work. Readers will see that she is an extensive world traveler who arrives at each destination with a curious heart and open eyes to capture the beauty of nature as well as the quirkiness and flavor of local culture. The truth that we are all supremely creative from birth is a message which Deborah shares with her audiences wherever she goes. She has one goal, one mission in mind in all that she does: to inspire hope so that others will realize their full potential.
Deborah lives in Austin, Texas.