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Fast-Starting a Career of Consequence

Practical Christ-Centered Advice for Entering or Re-entering the Workforce
By Fred Sievert


The word evokes a lot of images for us, doesn’t it? We remember
our first job and how it felt to get paid for mowing a lawn or
waiting tables. We are better when we work, no doubt. It does
something for us to find a place to plug our unique set of gifts and
talents into a role that best fits them. When that happens, we see
progress and impact. We all need that.

But according to the statistics, most of us are not doing work every
day that we are a good fit for. The numbers vary, but it appears
that as many as four people in five are doing jobs that do not allow
them to do what they do best every day. The Pandemic of 2020
has created a pause that - in spite of the devastation - may turn
out to be a great blessing for many. The pause has created time
now to assess ourselves, to get to know our strengths and assets, and to do a deep search for a job with meaning. Readers who are entering or re-entering the workforce after military service, child-rearing, or COVID-19 furloughs will find answers and encouragement in this book about
how best to approach the marketplace and how to prosper once they get there.


Into this timely moment comes Fred Sievert, the former president of New York Life Insurance Company. His new book, Fast-Starting a Career of Consequence (Morgan James Publishing, 2021) offers practical guidance to those entering or re-entering the workforce. It is written from the perspective of a successful executive who rose through the ranks of one of the most powerful companies in America, all while maintaining his strong commitment to Christ and godly principles. He brought his unique combination of experiences as a Christian executive, a mentor, and a college instructor to develop this timely book with practical Christ-centered

Fast Starting a Career of Consequence fr

“A lifetime of stellar leadership in business and nonprofit
organizations compressed in readable and easily digestible lessons. A book of savvy coaching and spiritual advice alike! I will definitely give a copy to my son, who just graduated from college.”

~ Miroslav Volf

Henry B. Wright Professor of Theology, Yale University Divinity School
Founder and Director, Yale Center for Faith and Culture

“Each of us has a unique combination of
spiritual gifts. Discerning what those gifts are and then using them in Christian service is perhaps the most successful approach to choosing work that will lead to sustainable happiness and fulfillment.”

—Fred Sievert

Fred has penned a handbook with short chapters that cover the essentials of career success:

  • Demonstrating commitment

  • Understanding and embracing your company’s vision and mission

  • Taking charge of your own development

  • How to prepare (and even overprepare) for every meeting

  • How to demonstrate integrity and earn trust

  • How to balance faith, family, and career

  • Understanding the financial underpinnings of the business

  • Viewing Jesus as a business partner

  • And much, much more

“Every life, including yours, is a journey that is important to God. As such, every life is one in which He will provide guidance, blessings, and unconditional love. This applies not only to your worship experiences and your family life, but also to your career.”
—Fred Sievert

Fast-Starting a Career of Consequence is an encouraging reminder that we all have a calling in this world and that finding that calling is entirely possible. Doing work that matters is a treasure not to be taken lightly. Sievert’s advice will ensure a long and prosperous work life that brings delight to employees and those they serve every day.

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