How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business- and What to Do About it
By Jason Dorsey and Denise Villa, PhD
It is easy to paint a generation with a broad brush and foolishly think that we understand them. But, to truly understand and predict and react we need information and data and we need to ask the right questions.
And that’s exactly what authors Jason Dorsey and Denise Villa have done in their exceptional new book, Zconomy: How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business- and What to Do About it (Harper Collins, September 22, 2020)
Zconomy, a book based on years of painstaking research, is the most complete and authoritative guide to Gen Z, describing in riveting detail how leaders must adapt their employment, sales and marketing, product, and growth strategies to attract and keep this important new generation of customers, employees and trendsetters.
It’s clear to see that Gen Z will change everything. Just think about it. They’ve never known a time when they couldn’t see the person they are talking to on the phone. They don’t use paper or pen. They do literally everything on their cell phones. They are not terribly interested in conventional advertising. They buy because their friends bought, or they saw an influencer on YouTube wearing or using the product.
Most of today’s businesses are not built to sell and market the way Gen Z shops and buys. They’ll also need to tweak or overhaul their recruiting and hiring systems to attract this group who say that if a job application takes longer than 15 minutes, they won’t apply. Managing Gen Z is very different as well. Leaders need to adapt and find answers now as Gen Z is the fastest growing generation of employees and the most important group of consumer trendsetters.
The companies that quickly and comprehensively adapt to Gen Z thinking will be the winners for the next twenty years. Zconomy is the handbook for exactly how to do that.
Many Gen Zers will not remember a time before Alexa. This generation thinks email is old, Facebook is old, and face-to-face meetings are not the best way to collaborate.
Dr. Villa and Dorsey own and manage The Center for Generational Kinetics and the insights in Zconomy are based on their extensive research. They’ve led more than 60 generational studies, and they have worked with more than 500 companies around the world.
Surprising statistic: 12% of Gen Z are already saving for retirement
In Zconomy, Dr. Villa and Dorsey answer: Who is Gen Z? What do employers, marketers, and sales leaders need to know? And, most importantly, what should leaders do now?
Zconomy is filled with powerful stories drawn from focus groups, questionnaires and hard work. It is clear that Gen Z wants to be understood, marketed to, and hired. Zconomy is sure to become the handbook for doing just that.
To learn more go to: https://jasondorsey.com/zconomy/
About Jason Dorsey
Jason Dorsey is a pioneering Gen Z, Millennial, and generations speaker and researcher. He is on a mission to separate generational myth from truth to solve generational challenges for leaders.
Keynote Speaker
Jason has received more than 1,000 standing ovations for his unique presentations. He’s headlined events around the world, from India, Singapore and Switzerland to Chile and Finland, the UK, and France.
Jason has appeared as a generational expert on more than 200 TV shows such as 60 Minutes, 20/20, CNN, CNBC, The Early Show, The Today Show, along with hundreds more media interviews, including a New York Times cover story. Adweek calls him a “research guru.”
Generational Researcher
Jason is President of The Center for Generational Kinetics (CGK), the leading generational research, strategy, and consulting firm. CGK works with more than 100 clients annually to solve tough generational challenges—in areas from—sales and marketing to recruiting and innovation.
CGK’s PhD-led team has now conducted more than 65 generational studies on four continents in multiple languages. Jason and his team have repositioned global brands to win each generation. They’ve advised on multi-billion-dollar acquisitions and taken clients from last to first in both employee retention and customer growth.
Jason’s Newest Book
Zconomy: How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business
—and What to Do About It.
He is also a Millennial, married to a Gen X’er, and they have a Gen Z daughter!
To learn more about Jason and his unique speaking and research, visit: www.JasonDorsey.com
About Denise Villa
Denise Villa, PhD, is the CEO and visionary behind The Center for Generational Kinetics (CGK), the leading Gen Z and generational research, speaking, and consulting firm.
Denise has led numerous organizations, serves on the board of several non-profits, advises startups, and was recognized as an Austin Under-40 Finalist. She also enjoys running marathons.
Generational Expert and Researcher at CGK
CGK works with over 100 clients around the world each year, ranging from financial services and global retailers to pioneering technology companies. The firm’s specialty is research that enables leaders at established brands to adapt to win new generations while teaching emerging companies how to quickly leverage generational change to grow faster.
CGK’s team has been featured on over 200 TV shows, including 60 Minutes, The Early Show, The Today Show, and numerous other outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The New York Times.
As a speaker, Denise has presented at events coast-to coast, served as a Gen Z and Millennial expert on a variety of panels, and delivered research to audiences as diverse as SXSW Interactive to student housing developers, pipeline construction, and financial services professionals.
Denise’s New Book
Zconomy: How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business—and What to Do About It.
To learn more about Denise and her generational research, visit: www.DeniseVilla.com
“Zconomy is a must-read guide from the most authoritative voices on generational studies of our time. It is insightful, comprehensive, and uses real-world practical applications to provide invaluable guidance in navigating this generation of disruptors.”
Andrea Brimmer, chief marketing and public relations officer of Ally Financial